Hi, What is the issue exactly ?
the logs tell you that you won’t have information about which test covered which lines. This is a deprecated feature (as documented in https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/PLUG/Usage+of+JaCoCo+with+SonarJava ). You get this information because you did not configured the junit listener so this is expected as far as I can tell.
I have the same problem as @eraonel here who started this thread. I am able to get all the coverage information except Coverage per Test which you have mentioned above, that it is deprecated.
I read another thread on this forum which was dated this year and the person could successfully get the information on what tests covered particular line of code by clicking on the green bar on the side.
I would really like this information in my sonarqube project.
I am using the following:
jacocoant.jar from jacoco v0.8.2
The unit tests are run as part of an Ant build.
I have wrapped the junit tests with jacoco coverage tags:
The jacoco report is successfully created after running the Ant build with the above code.
After this I run the sonar-scanner on a linux environment using the following command line command: