No coverage status on branch summary


I have integrated SonarCloud in one of our Python / Django project. We use CircleCI and the sonarcloud orb.

When we upload branches on Github & create pull request, CircleCI triggers a build, which run the tests (with coverage), and then run the sonarcloud scanner:

version: 2.1

  sonarcloud: sonarsource/sonarcloud@2.0.0

    executor: py39
    resource_class: large
      COVERAGE_PROCESS_START: ".coveragerc"
      - checkout
      - setup
      - run: dockerize -wait tcp://localhost:5432 -timeout 10s
      - run: coverage run --rcfile .coveragerc app/ test app --failfast --timing --verbosity 3 --parallel=6
      - run: coverage combine --rcfile .coveragerc
      - run: coverage report --rcfile .coveragerc
      - run: coverage xml --rcfile .coveragerc
      - sonarcloud/scan

The coverage xml file seems to be correctly detected and uploaded:

INFO: Parsing report '/home/circleci/project/artifacts/coverage/xml/coverage.xml'
INFO: Sensor Cobertura Sensor for Python coverage [python] (done) | time=448ms
INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 803ms
INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can find the results at: ...

But when looking at the Branch summary, there is no coverage status

I would like to add that the branch in question remove some dead code and adds tests, all of that should result in a (minor) coverage increase.

- path/to/          81     25     14      0  58.9%   80-84, 87-91, 111-137
+ path/to/          73      1     12      1  97.6%   82

- TOTAL          51768   7687   9795    782  81.4%
+ TOTAL          51827   7663   9793    783  81.4%

Everything seems to work on the master branch, but nothing on the other branches.
The pull request opened for this branch doesn’t appear in SonarCloud.

Can you help ?

Hey there.

It sounds like you have no new lines of executable code (code that can be covered by tests). This results in a UI bug.

And it is is still pending a fix:

Hey @hsmett

Just an update: The issue I was talking about has been fixed!

Hey Colin ,
Sorry for this late reply.
Thank you very much for the update, and happy holidays!

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