OS Windows 2012R2
SonarQube version
SonarScanner version
Plugins: sonar-coldfusion-plugin-2.0.0 and sonar-eslint-plugin-0.4.0
Node.JS version 14.17.0
Database Oracle
Trying to scan a ColdFusion application with a few JavaScript files. It looks like (from the screen output) that the .JS files were scanned, but SonarQube tells me that there is zero coverage of the .JS files.
Not a developer, just a Windows SysAdmin tasked with running Sonar, so forgive my unfamiliarity with the product and terminology.
Have tried several things I found on the Community and the Web (at least the ones I could understand) such as adding recommended modules using npm.
D:\SonarQube>npm install -g eslint
D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\AppData\Roaming\npm\eslint -> D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\eslint\bin\eslint.js
+ eslint@7.27.0
added 118 packages from 68 contributors in 26.256s
Of course I didn’t write down everything I tried, cause this last item will really fix it and then I will document it (chastises self).
Here is the command I am running:
sonar-scanner.bat -D"sonar.projectKey=EngineManagement" -D"sonar.sources=." -D"sonar.host.url=" -D"sonar.login=loginKey"
The complete output of the SonarScanner command window (in debug mode) is HUGE, 7800+ lines, can’t post it in this window. Here are sections that seem pertinant to me:
INFO: Scanner configuration file: D:\SonarScanners\sonar-scanner-\bin\..\conf\sonar-scanner.properties
INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
14:50:25.914 INFO: SonarScanner
14:50:25.918 INFO: Java 11.0.11 AdoptOpenJDK (64-bit)
14:50:25.919 INFO: Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3 amd64
14:50:26.096 DEBUG: keyStore is :
14:50:26.096 DEBUG: keyStore type is : pkcs12
14:50:26.096 DEBUG: keyStore provider is :
14:50:26.097 DEBUG: init keystore
14:50:26.097 DEBUG: init keymanager of type SunX509
14:50:26.392 DEBUG: Create: D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\.sonar\cache
14:50:26.394 INFO: User cache: D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\.sonar\cache
14:50:26.394 DEBUG: Create: D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\.sonar\cache\_tmp
14:50:26.399 DEBUG: Extract sonar-scanner-api-batch in temp...
14:50:26.406 DEBUG: Get bootstrap index...
14:50:26.407 DEBUG: Download:
14:50:26.464 DEBUG: Get bootstrap completed
14:50:26.470 DEBUG: Create isolated classloader...
14:50:26.481 DEBUG: Start temp cleaning...
14:50:26.486 DEBUG: Temp cleaning done
14:50:26.487 INFO: Scanner configuration file: D:\SonarScanners\sonar-scanner-\bin\..\conf\sonar-scanner.properties
14:50:26.488 INFO: Project root configuration file: NONE
14:50:26.489 DEBUG: Execution getVersion
14:50:26.507 INFO: Analyzing on SonarQube server 8.9.0
14:50:26.507 INFO: Default locale: "en_US", source code encoding: "windows-1252" (analysis is platform dependent)
14:50:26.508 DEBUG: Work directory: D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork
14:50:26.510 DEBUG: Execution execute
14:50:26.827 DEBUG: Community
14:50:27.031 INFO: Load global settings
14:50:27.091 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=59ms
14:50:27.145 INFO: Load global settings (done) | time=114ms
14:50:27.150 INFO: Server id: E55B5A33-AXnJbUQNJtu35h8tp5Br
14:50:27.153 INFO: User cache: D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\.sonar\cache
14:50:27.158 INFO: Load/download plugins
14:50:27.158 INFO: Load plugins index
14:50:27.173 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=15ms
14:50:27.217 INFO: Load plugins index (done) | time=59ms
14:50:27.310 INFO: Load/download plugins (done) | time=152ms
14:50:27.392 DEBUG: Plugins:
14:50:27.393 DEBUG: * Python Code Quality and Security (python)
14:50:27.393 DEBUG: * CSS Code Quality and Security (cssfamily)
14:50:27.393 DEBUG: * Go Code Quality and Security (go)
14:50:27.393 DEBUG: * JaCoCo (jacoco)
14:50:27.394 DEBUG: * Kotlin Code Quality and Security (kotlin)
14:50:27.394 DEBUG: * JavaScript/TypeScript Code Quality and Security (javascript)
14:50:27.394 DEBUG: * Ruby Code Quality and Security (ruby)
14:50:27.394 DEBUG: * Scala Code Quality and Security (sonarscala)
14:50:27.394 DEBUG: * C# Code Quality and Security (csharp)
14:50:27.395 DEBUG: * Java Code Quality and Security (java)
14:50:27.395 DEBUG: * HTML Code Quality and Security (web)
14:50:27.395 DEBUG: * Flex Code Quality and Security (flex)
14:50:27.395 DEBUG: * XML Code Quality and Security (xml)
14:50:27.395 DEBUG: * PHP Code Quality and Security (php)
14:50:27.396 DEBUG: * VB.NET Code Quality and Security (vbnet)
14:50:27.396 DEBUG: * ColdFusion 2.0.0 (coldfusion)
14:50:27.396 DEBUG: * ESLint 0.4.0 (eslintplugin)
14:50:27.862 INFO: Process project properties
14:50:27.872 INFO: Process project properties (done) | time=11ms
14:50:27.873 INFO: Execute project builders
14:50:27.874 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.csharp.CSharpGlobalProtobufFileProcessor
14:50:27.875 DEBUG: Execute project builder: org.sonar.plugins.vbnet.VbNetGlobalProtobufFileProcessor
14:50:27.876 INFO: Execute project builders (done) | time=3ms
14:50:27.883 INFO: Project key: EngineManagement
14:50:27.884 INFO: Base dir: D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt
14:50:27.890 INFO: Working dir: D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork
14:50:27.890 DEBUG: Project global encoding: windows-1252, default locale: en_US
14:50:27.894 DEBUG: Creating module hierarchy
14:50:27.894 DEBUG: Init module 'EngineManagement'
14:50:27.896 DEBUG: Base dir: D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt
14:50:27.896 DEBUG: Working dir: D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork
14:50:27.896 DEBUG: Module global encoding: windows-1252, default locale: en_US
14:50:33.343 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'EngineManagement'
14:50:33.371 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=27ms
14:50:33.372 INFO: Load project settings for component key: 'EngineManagement' (done) | time=29ms
14:50:33.400 DEBUG: Available languages:
14:50:33.400 DEBUG: * Python => "py"
14:50:33.400 DEBUG: * CSS => "css"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * Go => "go"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * Kotlin => "kotlin"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * JavaScript => "js"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * TypeScript => "ts"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * Ruby => "ruby"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * Scala => "scala"
14:50:33.401 DEBUG: * C# => "cs"
14:50:33.402 DEBUG: * Java => "java"
14:50:33.402 DEBUG: * HTML => "web"
14:50:33.402 DEBUG: * JSP => "jsp"
14:50:33.402 DEBUG: * Flex => "flex"
14:50:33.402 DEBUG: * XML => "xml"
14:50:33.402 DEBUG: * PHP => "php"
14:50:33.403 DEBUG: * VB.NET => "vbnet"
14:50:33.403 DEBUG: * ColdFusion => "cf"
14:50:33.413 INFO: Load quality profiles
14:50:33.489 DEBUG: GET 200 | time=75ms
14:50:33.505 INFO: Load quality profiles (done) | time=92ms
14:50:35.194 DEBUG: Declared extensions of language JavaScript were converted to sonar.lang.patterns.js : **/*.js,**/*.jsx,**/*.mjs,**/*.vue
14:50:35.592 DEBUG: File [file:///D:/SonarSW2Scan/engmgmt/includes/jquery/js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js] looks like a minified file and will not be analyzed
14:50:35.593 DEBUG: 'includes/jquery/js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js' excluded by org.sonar.plugins.javascript.JavaScriptExclusionsFileFilter
14:50:35.664 DEBUG: 'includes/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.js' generated metadata with charset 'windows-1252'
14:50:35.681 DEBUG: 'includes\jquery\js\jquery-ui-1.12.1.js' indexed with language 'js'
14:50:35.684 DEBUG: 'includes/restrictForms.js' generated metadata with charset 'windows-1252'
14:50:35.685 DEBUG: 'includes\restrictForms.js' indexed with language 'js'
14:50:35.688 DEBUG: 'includes/sessionTimeout.js' generated metadata with charset 'windows-1252'
14:50:35.688 DEBUG: 'includes\sessionTimeout.js' indexed with language 'js'
14:50:35.691 DEBUG: 'includes/validateAuthTxt.js' generated metadata with charset 'windows-1252'
14:50:35.692 DEBUG: 'includes\validateAuthTxt.js' indexed with language 'js'
14:50:36.929 DEBUG: 'JavaScript/TypeScript Coverage' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
14:50:36.929 DEBUG: 'Import of ESLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
14:50:36.929 DEBUG: 'Import of TSLint issues' skipped because one of the required properties is missing
14:50:36.941 DEBUG: Sensors : CSS Metrics -> CSS Rules -> JaCoCo XML Report Importer -> JavaScript analysis -> TypeScript analysis -> C# Project Type Information -> C# Properties -> JavaXmlSensor -> HTML -> XML Sensor -> VB.NET Project Type Information -> VB.NET Properties -> com.stepstone.sonar.plugin.coldfusion.ColdFusionSensor -> Linting sensor for Javascript files
14:51:15.673 DEBUG: Starting server
14:51:15.681 DEBUG: Using default Node.js executable: 'node'.
14:51:15.681 DEBUG: Checking Node.js version
14:51:15.683 DEBUG: Launching command node -v
14:51:15.848 DEBUG: Using Node.js v14.17.0.
14:51:15.848 DEBUG: Starting Node.js process to start eslint-bridge server at port 51018
14:51:15.848 DEBUG: Launching command node D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork\.sonartmp\eslint-bridge-bundle\package\bin\server 51018 D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork true false
14:51:19.059 DEBUG: starting eslint-bridge server at port 51018
14:51:19.075 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server is running at port 51018
14:51:19.229 DEBUG: Starting server (done) | time=3556ms
14:51:19.245 DEBUG: Using generated tsconfig.json file D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork\.sonartmp\10196442200771728019.tmp
14:51:19.248 INFO: 4 source files to be analyzed
14:51:19.270 DEBUG: initializing linter with
14:51:23.575 INFO: 4/4 source files have been analyzed
14:51:23.575 INFO: Sensor JavaScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=34572ms
14:51:23.575 INFO: Sensor TypeScript analysis [javascript]
14:51:23.577 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server is up, no need to start.
14:51:23.583 DEBUG: initializing linter with no-commented-code,sonar-no-fallthrough,no-inverted-boolean-check,non-existent-operator,new-operator-misuse,no-small-switch,file-uploads,prefer-for-of,xml-parser-xxe,default-param-last,sql-queries,no-global-this,no-array-delete,dns-prefetching,no-alphabetical-sort,arguments-order,certificate-transparency,no-unsafe-finally,prefer-while,no-sequences,void-use,no-octal,no-ip-forward,no-hardcoded-ip,comma-or-logical-or-case,conditional-indentation,label-position,no-use-of-empty-return-value,session-regeneration,no-associative-arrays,super-invocation,no-weak-keys,confidential-information-logging,no-try-promise,weak-ssl,no-useless-increment,no-throw-literal,pseudo-random,no-same-line-conditional,no-redundant-optional,no-identical-functions,cookie-no-httponly,no-element-overwrite,no-equals-in-for-termination,no-sparse-arrays,post-message,constructor-for-side-effects,no-redundant-jump,no-redeclare,no-duplicate-imports,no-unthrown-error,no-globals-shadowing,unverified-hostname,prefer-namespace-keyword,no-collection-size-mischeck,unverified-certificate,no-empty-collection,disabled-auto-escaping,hashing,for-loop-increment-sign,no-accessor-field-mismatch,cors,insecure-cookie,no-unused-collection,no-invariant-returns,no-return-await,no-case-label-in-switch,no-unnecessary-type-assertion,no-nested-conditional,os-command,insecure-jwt-token,no-dead-store,prefer-type-guard,use-type-alias,no-misleading-array-reverse,no-redundant-assignments,no-in-misuse,no-parameter-reassignment,no-all-duplicated-branches,no-identical-conditions,no-weak-cipher,no-delete-var,encryption-secure-mode,no-useless-intersection,updated-loop-counter,no-empty-function,max-switch-cases,no-extra-semi,no-unsafe-negation,deprecation,misplaced-loop-counter,production-debug,no-one-iteration-loop,no-undefined-argument,csrf,no-multi-str,cognitive-complexity,no-labels,function-inside-loop,use-isnan,no-nested-template-literals,no-shadow,no-duplicate-in-composite,generator-without-yield,no-ignored-return,no-caller,no-duplicated-branches,no-redundant-parentheses,no-unenclosed-multiline-block,call-argument-line,bitwise-operators,class-name,code-eval,no-identical-expressions,prefer-immediate-return,no-redundant-boolean,no-unreachable,content-security-policy,no-useless-catch,prefer-promise-shorthand,x-powered-by,no-intrusive-permissions,disabled-resource-integrity,unused-import,file-permissions,publicly-writable-directories,no-nested-assignment,index-of-compare-to-positive-number,no-unsafe-unzip,file-name-differ-from-class,no-primitive-wrappers,todo-tag,strict-transport-security,prefer-default-last,no-mime-sniff,no-gratuitous-expressions,no-empty-pattern,no-referrer-policy,no-self-assign,no-mixed-content,no-misused-new,no-invalid-await,frame-ancestors,no-hardcoded-credentials,fixme-tag,content-length,no-clear-text-protocols,no-empty,max-params,hidden-files,no-unused-expressions
14:51:23.885 INFO: Found 0 tsconfig.json file(s): []
14:51:23.889 DEBUG: Using generated tsconfig.json file D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork\.sonartmp\6750512151958305023.tmp
14:51:23.901 INFO: 0 source files to be analyzed
14:51:23.901 INFO: 0/0 source files have been analyzed
14:51:23.901 INFO: Sensor TypeScript analysis [javascript] (done) | time=326ms
14:51:56.350 INFO: Sensor com.stepstone.sonar.plugin.coldfusion.ColdFusionSensor [coldfusion] (done) | time=32071ms
14:51:56.350 INFO: Sensor Linting sensor for Javascript files [eslintplugin]
14:51:56.351 DEBUG: Found sonar.eslint.eslintpath Lint path to be 'D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\eslint\bin'
14:51:56.351 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\eslint\bin
14:51:56.352 DEBUG: EsLint Absolute path is Optional[D:\Users\lyndon.p.nelson.am\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\eslint\bin]
14:51:56.352 DEBUG: Found sonar.eslint.eslintconfigpath Lint path to be '.eslintrc.js'
14:51:56.353 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in .eslintrc.js
14:51:56.353 DEBUG: #2 Trying to resolve path in D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.eslintrc.js
14:51:56.354 DEBUG: EsLint Absolute path is Optional.empty
14:51:56.354 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in .eslintrc
14:51:56.354 DEBUG: #2 Trying to resolve path in D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.eslintrc
14:51:56.354 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in .eslintrc.js
14:51:56.354 DEBUG: #2 Trying to resolve path in D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.eslintrc.js
14:51:56.355 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in .eslintrc.json
14:51:56.355 DEBUG: #2 Trying to resolve path in D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.eslintrc.json
14:51:56.355 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in .eslintrc.yaml
14:51:56.355 DEBUG: #2 Trying to resolve path in D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.eslintrc.yaml
14:51:56.355 DEBUG: #1 Trying to resolve path in .eslintrc.yml
14:51:56.355 DEBUG: #2 Trying to resolve path in D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.eslintrc.yml
14:51:56.357 DEBUG: Path sonar.eslint.eslintrulesdir not specified
14:51:56.358 DEBUG: Path sonar.eslint.eslintrulesdir not specified, falling back to null
14:51:56.358 WARN: Path to .eslintrc.* configuration file either not defined or not found - Skipping eslint analysis.
14:51:56.358 INFO: Sensor Linting sensor for Javascript files [eslintplugin] (done) | time=8ms
14:51:56.494 INFO: CPD Executor Calculating CPD for 4 files
14:51:56.494 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for D:/SonarSW2Scan/engmgmt/includes/restrictForms.js
14:51:56.507 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for D:/SonarSW2Scan/engmgmt/includes/validateAuthTxt.js
14:51:56.508 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for D:/SonarSW2Scan/engmgmt/includes/jquery/js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.js
14:51:56.566 DEBUG: Detection of duplications for D:/SonarSW2Scan/engmgmt/includes/sessionTimeout.js
14:51:56.567 INFO: CPD Executor CPD calculation finished (done) | time=73ms
14:51:57.519 INFO: Analysis report generated in 865ms, dir size=3 MB
14:52:10.430 INFO: Analysis report compressed in 12910ms, zip size=1 MB
14:52:10.430 DEBUG: Upload report
14:52:10.592 DEBUG: POST 200 | time=160ms
14:52:10.594 INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 164ms
14:52:10.597 DEBUG: Report metadata written to D:\SonarSW2Scan\engmgmt\.scannerwork\report-task.txt
14:52:10.597 INFO: ANALYSIS SUCCESSFUL, you can browse
14:52:10.597 INFO: Note that you will be able to access the updated dashboard once the server has processed the submitted analysis report
14:52:10.597 INFO: More about the report processing at
14:52:10.600 DEBUG: Post-jobs :
14:52:11.193 DEBUG: eslint-bridge server will shutdown
14:52:24.815 DEBUG: stylelint-bridge server will shutdown
14:52:29.893 INFO: Analysis total time: 2:02.468 s
14:52:29.898 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
14:52:29.898 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
14:52:29.899 INFO: Total time: 2:04.053s
14:52:29.984 INFO: Final Memory: 13M/108M
14:52:29.984 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I know it has to be something simple, but my unfamiliarity is preventing me from either seeing the problem, or understanding how to fix it. Appreciate any help you can provide.