No Analysis for *.blazor.cs files

The analysis does not appear to work for blazor code behind files. (.blazor.cs). There is a message at the bottom that says This file is not automatically analyzed and to check the logs. There is no output in the logs even when I click the Analyze Current File link. Is there some setting that is preventing analysis of these files? Thanks.

  • Operating system: Windows 11 Pro
  • SonarQube for IntelliJ plugin version:
  • IntelliJ version: Rider 2024.3.6
  • Programming language you’re coding in: C#
  • Is connected mode used: No
    • SonarQube Cloud, SonarQube Server, or SonarQube Community Build? (if one of the latter two, which version?):

And a thorough description of the problem / question:

Hey @groogiam, unfortunately, SonarQube for IntelliJ does not yet support Blazor files, including .blazor.cs files. This is an intentional limitation to minimize the occurrence of false positives, until we fully support Blazor.