New rules: IPv6 compability

Hello, I am no developer, please be patient :hugs:

Enterprises have to make sure, that their business applications are IPv6 capable, this is dependent of the coding language. For that the code MUST use ip address family independed functions.
Good news: There are about 10 pitfalls and there will no new ones to come in the future.

  • INADDR_ addr_in
  • F_INET
  • gethostbyname
  • gethostbyaddr
  • inet_addr inet_ntoa
  • Inet4Address
  • inet_aton
  • gethostbyname_ex

The last three are only common examples of IPv4 addresses (may be a regular expression, which find all IPv4 addresses is better)

For all the above IPv4-only-function is an ip address independent function available e.g. getaddrinfo instead of gethostbyname.

Every developer would benefit from using those ip address family independent functions. Some are releated to all languages (e.g. usage of ipv4 addresses), some others are more common in specific languages (e.g. gethostbyname in C/C++).

Please don’t hesitate to ask me, if you need any information.


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Hi Axel,

Welcome to the community!

You’ve said this applies across languages, and that’s true. But we need to pick an initial language to target. So what’s your preference?


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Hello Ann,
thank you for the warm welcome.
Although Java is the most used language for business software, I choose C/C++, because - as I think - most/all ipv4-only functions belong to it.
So we need eight rules for the functions and one for IPv4 addresses in the code, which should match this regular expression: „((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?) “
Please come back to me, if you need more information about each rule etc.

Kind regards


Hi Axel,

Thanks for raising this point. I’ll document IPv6 rules in the list of subjects we want to work on in the future.


Hi Fred,
thank you for that.
Is there any timeline for the IPv6 rules I can track?

Best regards