[NEW RELEASE] sonar-findbugs 3.9.2


We are announcing the new sonar-findbugs 3.9.2.


  • Use SpotBugs 3.1.11
  • This version works with SonarQube from version 6.7.1 (LTS) to 7.5.
  • This version does NOT work with SonarQube 7.6 and later. (use sonar-findbugs 3.10.0 instead)

Detailed changelog : https://github.com/spotbugs/sonar-findbugs/releases/tag/3.9.2

Download URL: https://github.com/spotbugs/sonar-findbugs/releases/download/3.9.2/sonar-findbugs-plugin-3.9.2.jar

SonarCloud : https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=com.github.spotbugs%3Asonar-findbugs-plugin

@SonarSource, Could you please add it to the Marketplace ?


Sonar-Findbugs Team

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You list the use of SpotBugs 3.1.11 as the top highlight, but that’s not what’s listed in the project README. I’ve used that top highlight in the Marketplace version description, so please come back to me if it’s this announcement rather than the README that’s wrong.


it’s README problem. I will fix that later.

README in master branch has been fixed. Please check https://github.com/spotbugs/sonar-findbugs/pull/249/files

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@SonarSource please check this, thank you.


I had looked at this earlier but not replied because I didn’t realize you were waiting for a response. I was just pointing out the issue as something you might want to address as a courtesy to your users.


OK then what is remaining TODO to release this plugin to marketplace?

Nothing. I did that 9 days ago.

And I realize now I didn’t explicitly say that. Sorry.

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OK, thanks!