[NEW RELEASE] sonar-detekt 2.2.0

Hi Ann,

This release updates detekt to the latest version 1.11.0.

Sonarqube Versions: [7.9,LATEST]
Changelog: https://github.com/detekt/sonar-kotlin/releases/tag/2.2.0
(- https://detekt.github.io/detekt/changelog.html#1110—2020-08-13)
SonarCloud: https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=detekt_sonar-kotlin
PR: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/145


Hi Artur,



The plugin requires sonar 7.9.4 with 7.9.3 it will crash the server.
The requirement for the marketplace is 7.9 but in the relnotes is an api upgrade to 7.9.4
So the plugin is offert as an Upgrade :frowning:

Cheers Jan

Hi Jan,

Thanks for this! I’m running the update job now.


Hi Jan and Ann,

anything I missed here what I should remember for the next update?

Thanks and best regards,

Hi Artur,

Thanks for following up. I think Jan’s post summarizes it nicely:

I think maybe you absentmindedly filled in 7.9 as the beginning of the compatibility range without thinking through that you’d just ended compatibility with 7.9[.0], 7.9.1, 7.9.2, and 7.9.3.

So the takeaway would be to be more cautious next time.


Hi Ann,

hm, that’s strange.
The code is binary compatible. Are there any specific reasons to forbid patch updates?
I see Sonar-Version: 7.9.4 in the MANIFEST.MF, so I guess there is a hardcoded check for this.

best regards,

Hi Artur,

TBH, I was going off of what Jan said & assuming it was the API upgrade. But I guess it’s the requirement in the manifest.
