[NEW RELEASE] Russian pack 1.10


Russian pack 1.10 is out.

Link to the sonar-update-center-properties PR: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/139

This is the same localization plugin, as it was at old google groups threads, from the same translators and the same maintainer (me). It could seem slightly abandoned after SQ 7.0. Now work on it has been restored, and it was transfered from “silverbulleters” organization at GitHub to “1c-syntax” organization. Pull request with new links is above.

8.3 and 8.4 translations are in progress.

SonarSource, please, publish new release to the Marketplace.



Thanks for your work on this! The marketplace is updated.

Regarding your PR, I see that you’ve archived every version before the new one. Since they support versions <7.9 that makes sense. I just want to point out that it’s perfectly fine to have multiple public versions as long as their compatibilities don’t overlap. So if 1.11 supports SQ8.0, it would be fine to update the compatibility for 1.10 to [7.9,7.9.*] and leave it public. In case I’m being as clear as mud, l10nzh provides a beautiful example of what I’m talking about.


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