[New Release] codehawk Plugin v1.0

Hi Jack,

It looks like I spoke too soon. I fired off my previous response while the Marketplace metadata job was still running. It has since errored out with:

Plugin codehawk-1.2.jar is declared with key 'javawtlabcustom' in its MANIFEST, but with key 'codehawk' in the update center

I’m going to roll your PR back. Feel free to submit a new one with either version 1.3 that publishes a plugin with the correct key or one that publishes the data file with the correct name. Frankly, I’d prefer the former; “javawtlabcustom” as a key isn’t very communicative and AFAICT fails requirement 1.4.


Hi Ann,

The plugin key has been changed to ‘codehawk’ as well.
jar: https://github.com/SDPMLab/CodeHawk/releases/download/1.3/codehawk-1.3.jar
PR: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-update-center-properties/pull/111

Thank you!

Hi Jack,

Normally it wouldn’t be cool to replace an already-released jar. Since it’s not in the Marketplace yet, I’m going to turn a blind eye this time.

So… you’re in!


Hi Ann,

I’ll watch out not to do so next time.
Thanks a lot! :smiley:
