Multiple Bitbucket Teams in same SonarCloud Organisation

Is it possible to create an SonarCloud Organisation and import private project from multiple Bitbucket team ( with the PR annotations )

Currently when I try to add a project to SonarCloud, if i chose to import from a another bitbucket team that i have access , it seems to create a new organization…

Hi François,

It is not possible to import projects from multiple Bitbucket Cloud teams inside one SonarCloud Organization.
The reason is that one SonarCloud organisation is bound to a BitBucketCloud team, to reproduce models in BitBucket Cloud side. If you want to analyze a project from another team, SonarCloud makes you create the organization that match this team prior to the creation of the project, and the project will be part of the newly created organization.

Out of curiosity, can you detail what creates friction on your side with the current behaviour?
