Misleading warning in SonarScanner when using java 8

The SonarQube documentation says that for running the SonarQube Scanner it is allowed/supported to use JDK 8 (see https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/requirements/requirements/).

However, when running the SonarScanner with JDK 8, we get the following warning:
“SonarScanner will require Java 11 to run starting in SonarQube 8.x”.

What does that mean? Will the support of JDK 8 be stopped in the near future for the SonarScanner?
We are using SonarScanner with gradle for Android projects, where JAVA 8 is the default.

If the support will not be stopped what is the sense of that warning?

Hi Roland,

Welcome to the SonarSource Community!

You are correct that this message is intended to be a warning of the requirement (it’s optional now) to use Java 11 to run the SonarQube Scanners in an upcoming (TBD) version. Note that this does not mean you need to compile your code in Java 11, just to run the Scanner tool.


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Hi Brian,

I don’t get the point of your answer.
Is it planned to stop the support of Java 8 for the Sonar Scanner in an upcoming version or not?
If not, why the warning?

kind regards,


Same question comes to my mind but for Java 11. I did check the JDK version which is on the sonar server, but the logs still display “WARN: SonarScanner will require Java 11 to run starting in SonarQube 8.x”.

Ok, and how exactly should this be done in the maven sonar plugin ?
which we use for 90% of or analysis.


Welcome to the SonarSource Community!

Your Scanner client needs to be using Java 11 to suppress this warning. The SonarQube server is a completely different process which requires Java 11.


This Maven documentation describes methods to compile your code with a different JDK than Maven process.


Ok, thanks! i will check
