Make sure that decompressing this archive file is safe

SonarQube Version:

  • Enterprise Edition
  • Version 9.9.3 (build 79811)

Why does SonarQube still show a vulnerability after making changes based on its suggestion? SonarQube recommended checking the zip file before processing, so I implemented a separate method for validating the zip file. Here’s the code for processing the zip file after validation.

bool isValidFile = ValidateZipFile(path, fileName);
if (isValidFile) {                                        
 processing the file...........                                      

ValidateZipFile method:

private bool ValidateZipFile(string path, string fileName)
            const int thresholdSize = 1000000000;
            const double thresholdRatio = 10;
            const int byteSize = 1024;

            int totalSizeArchive = 0;
            int totalEntryArchive = 0;

            using (var zipToOpen = new FileStream(path + fileName, FileMode.Open))
                using (var archive = new ZipArchive(zipToOpen, ZipArchiveMode.Read))
                    foreach (ZipArchiveEntry entry in archive.Entries)
                        using (Stream st = entry.Open())
                            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                            int totalSizeEntry = 0;
                            int numBytesRead = 0;

                                numBytesRead = st.Read(buffer, 0, byteSize);
                                totalSizeEntry += numBytesRead;
                                totalSizeArchive += numBytesRead;
                                double compressionRatio = (double)totalSizeEntry / entry.CompressedLength;

                                if (compressionRatio > thresholdRatio)
                                    throw new IOException("Zip Bomb Attack detected. CompressionRation exceed the threshold ratio ");
                            while (numBytesRead > 0);
                        if (totalSizeArchive > thresholdSize)
                            throw new IOException("Uncompressed data size exceeds the threshold ");

                        if (totalEntryArchive > 1)
                            throw new IOException("Too many entries in the archive.");
            return true;


Based on your thread title, you’re dealing with a Security Hotspot. Security Hotspots aren’t boolean. They’re segregated away from Issues because it’s about context and human intelligence is required to determine whether or not there’s a problem. So if you’re confident there’s no problem, you can simply mark the Security Hotspot ‘safe’ and move on.
