Long-lived branches not using the same Quality Gate

Version: SonarQube Version 6.7.5 (build 38563)

The setup

  • A custom Quality Gate has been assigned to a project from the dropdown available at [project] > Administration > Quality Gate.

  • The branch develop has been defined as the Main Branch.

  • All branches are considered Long-lived branches with Long living branches pattern: .*

The problem

On the main project page the develop branch shows that it is using the correct custom Quality Gate.

All other branches show that they are using the system default SonarQube Way Quality Gate

According to SonarQube documentation:

The same quality gate that is applied to the project as a whole is automatically applied to long-lived branches as well. This is not editable.

So why are other branches using a different Quality Gate?


This is just a display issue: the correct QG is being applied, just the wrong name is shown.


Fixed in v6.7.6 :slight_smile:


@Colin Thanks for the quick reply!