Lauching sonarqube on linux

Centos 7.9
Sonarqube Enterprise 9.2

What confusing is lauching, sonarqube as proposed by editor : manually OR systemd


OR like proposed here (as i do) =>

I used the custom type since few years, but the upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2 isn’t OK still loading on maitenance (/setup), so i decide to test systemd from sonarsource editor

With “systemd (proposed by editor)”, when upgrade with the manually type, we can’t see this message in “sonar.log”, but in “message.log”

Nov 22 12:58:28 sonarqube31devboweb nohup: 2021.11.22 12:58:28 WARN app[startup] ################################################################################
Nov 22 12:58:28 sonarqubexxxxxx nohup: 2021.11.22 12:58:28 WARN app[startup] The database must be manually upgraded. Please backup the database and browse /setup. For more information:
Nov 22 12:58:28 sonarqubexxxxxx nohup: 2021.11.22 12:58:28 WARN app[startup] ################################################################################

Could you explain why ?
Please sonarsource upgrade your guide.

Best regards

Hi @Stephane_Chevalier ,

regarding the missing information about the database upgrade, there is a bug ticket open for that SONAR-13125 .

regarding the systemd service definition i would suggest you run the sonar-application.jar directly as it is documented. the script will in the end call it as well using a java service wrapper, which does nearly the same as systemd is already doing just in a different way.

hope that clarifies things

Hi tobias,
Thank you for the feedback.

Best regards

| Tobias Trabelsi SonarSourcer
November 22 |

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Hi @Stephane_Chevalier ,

regarding the missing information about the database upgrade, there is a bug ticket open for that SONAR-13125 .

regarding the systemd service definition i would suggest you run the sonar-application.jar directly as it is documented. the script will in the end call it as well using a java service wrapper, which does nearly the same as systemd is already doing just in a different way.

hope that clarifies things

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| Tobias Trabelsi SonarSourcer
November 22 |

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Hi @Stephane_Chevalier ,

regarding the missing information about the database upgrade, there is a bug ticket open for that SONAR-13125 .

regarding the systemd service definition i would suggest you run the sonar-application.jar directly as it is documented. the script will in the end call it as well using a java service wrapper, which does nearly the same as systemd is already doing just in a different way.

hope that clarifies things

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