Last analysis failed

Can you please provide reason why SonarCloud analysis with following IDs have failed?

  • AZKSqUkUVCW5t3Lo7kM4
  • AZJ8rkRsiD_e75uUJJ2k
  • AZKSwhUR5MmR5cz2MS-7

Hi @vidyasb

We can see in the logs that the report processing failed due to a new analysis kicked off.

Report for commit ‘XXX’ can’t be processed: a newer report has already been processed, and processing older reports is not supported. The last processed report was for commit YYY

You can see the details about the background tasks in:
Administration → background tasks → getting more information by choosing the failed projects and clicking on the 3 dots on the right. “Show error details”


Thank you Csaba

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