Last analysis failed Analysis ID "AZK7Yd74rhtIW2tHn3bf"

Hello there.
I have an account on SonarCloud.
When I integrate my repository GitHub, for automatic analysis Pull Request, I have been received this error on scan PR.

My application is Java with Spring Boot, containing pom.xml in repo.

Could someone help me?


Welcome to the community!

Can you provide the approximate date/time of this failure? It will make it easier to find in our logs.


Aproximate - October 23, 2024 - 9:56 PM - GMT 0


Thanks for the details. I’ve flagged this for the folks with log access.


Hello there.

Something about this ticket?
Today is 12d since the request, please help us.
We are paying without using because this issue.

Thanks for your attention.

hey @oliver_bessa,

Sorry for the delay I will be having a look at it today.



Hey @oliver_bessa,

Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately, as discussed privately, I think you are better off taking the time to set up CI-based analysis rather than relying on automatic analysis.

With a CI-based analysis, you would be able to have finer control and choose whether to include or exclude this file or change the analysis environment parameters to fit that kind of code.



Hello Dorian.

This is a problem, because de CI-based does not work correctly, don’t has anything what I do that scanning only the code changed in PR, always show the problems with the entire file, and this is not viable for team, because not sense the developer need fix all file for scan pass, is unviable. In all my research it is not possible, is nothing I can do in the yam file for the scan to only consider the code changed in the PR. On the other hand, the automatic analysis works perfectly.

If you know how I do for the CI-based detect only code changed in PR, let me know.
I had followed all instruction in Sonar’s documentation, I try sereval ways and nothing work. In my vast research everyone says that it is not possible with CI-based.

For you understanding,
in one summary, appears only lines changes correctly (17 lines), but get 26 issues (file entry, because in 17 lines chaged don’t have this 26 issues)
In other summary, appears only lines changes correctly (1 line), but get 140 issues (in one line?)

Follow attached the summary print and my yam too. (264.4 KB)

I’m very disappointed as it’s the bare minimum for any software developer to be able to fix just the changed code. With so many years that Sonar has been around, I didn’t know it was so hard work.


Hey @oliver_bessa,

Indeed, the number of issues compared to the number of changed lines seems off. Can you share what official guide you used to configure your analyses?

