Ktlint with android multimodule project


ALM: Github
CI: Circle CI
Command: ./gradlew sonar
Language: Kotlin

We are using ktlint on our project and I notice that for example the rule standard:no-consecutive-blank-lines is effectively brought up in my branch summary but not the standard:max-line-length.

Is it something expected ?

That leads me to another question, should we, in an android multi module context, generate a ktlint report for each modules ? or the consolidated one at the root should work ? (like in the example below)

Example of ktlint report send to Sonarcloud:

        "file": "app/file1.kts",
        "errors": [
                "line": 97,
                "column": 1,
                "message": "Needless blank line(s)",
                "rule": "standard:no-consecutive-blank-lines"
        "file": "module/file2.kt",
        "errors": [
                "line": 198,
                "column": 1,
                "message": "Exceeded max line length (120)",
                "rule": "standard:max-line-length"
                "line": 209,
                "column": 1,
                "message": "Exceeded max line length (120)",
                "rule": "standard:max-line-length"


Welcome to the community!

In your example report, the missing issues are reported on one file while the issue that shows up as expected is reported on a different file. Could you try this with all the issues on the same file to make sure this is about the rules and not the files?



Thanks for taking a look at my issue.

Finally I managed to understand what was happening and this is silly…

I was making ktlint errors in my local code and start the sonar task locally also, but I was not committing and pushing my code to our github repository, so I suppose there is some check toward the remote commit before displaying the issue on Sonarcloud UI.

So when I commit and push the code with the ktlint problem it is now displayed.

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