Kotlin analysis performance: up to 10x better for large projects with a lot of dependencies

Hello Kotlin developers,

We’ve just deploy an important improvement to scan your Kotlin code faster. According to our tests, this change can divide by 10 the analysis duration for large projects having a lot of dependencies.

This is now available on SonarCloud and will be in the forthcoming SonarQube 9.2 release.
If you still observe some unexpected analysis durations, please let us know.



A post was split to a new topic: We faced this issues with out setup

Hey @Alexandre_Gigleux

That sounds great! When will this be available in Gradle plugin for Android projects?


This is already available. There is nothing to change in the “SonarScanner for Gradle” to benefit from it.
If you don’t see any improvement in your context, please create a dedicated thread so we can investigate.


Thanks @Alexandre_Gigleux

I would say that there is perceptibly an improvement in analysis indeed. Thanks for the effort there!