I’m using sonarqube Community EditionVersion 9.9 with this version tried to upload junit test reports, my analysis completed successfully but Unit Test results can’t view on the dashboard
Still i can’t see the Unit Tests result on project dashboard.
In log i have below
INFO: parsing [/sonar/gradle_build/app1/Appsrc/build/test-results/testfolder]
ERROR: Reports path not found or is not a directory: /sonar/gradle_build/app1/Appsrc/build/test-results/testfolder
INFO: parsing [/sonar/gradle_build/app1/Appsrc/build/test-results/testfolder/Appsrc/build/test-results/testfolder/TEST-.*.xml]
ERROR: Reports path not found or is not a directory: /sonar/gradle_build/app1/Appsrc/build/test-results/testfolder/Appsrc/build/test-results/testfolder/TEST-.*.xml
However my code coverage results able to view on dashboard.
I am not sure to have the answer but to see my tests in Sonar UI, I have to add the sonar.tests property to sonar scanner configuration. This is the list of tests folders, like src/test/java,src/it/java.