Jenkins sonarqube integration

I have integrated sonarqube with jenkins and when i try to build a job in jenkins i get an error saying,
FATAL: Java heap space java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.
i am using windows OS.
so, how do i grt over this error?

Also, i have been using quality gates for free style project in jenkins.
Is that okay?

Hi @Hari_Prasad96,

As we don’t have the logs of your errors, I cannot say where it’s from the issue. But you need definitely to allocate more memory to web server, or compute engine, or search server. Check the settings in $SONARQUBE_HOME/conf/

I don’t see the restriction to use quality gates in freestyle job. But it’s much easier to use pipeline job.

Best regards,

i have increased the size in jenkins conf file and i worked.
thanks Mr Fan_Yang :slight_smile:

I’m glad it works. You are welcome. :wink: