Jenkins auto configuration for pull requests

Template for a good new topic, formatted with Markdown:

  • ALM used: GitHub
  • CI system used: Jenkins
  • Scanner command used when applicable: ./gradlew --info sonarqube
  • Languages of the repository: Java
  • Only if the SonarCloud project is public, t
  • Error observed: master branch is used. not PR decoration
  • Steps to reproduce: setup jenkins / plugin and use pipeline in linked PR
  • Potential workaround: configure properties manually for PR says this was implemented ages ago, is it on sonarcloud?

Hey there.

SONAR-11583 was not implemented on SonarCloud – and there is no auto-configuration of PR analysis parameters, nor did we seem to decide to document them. Luckily, they are documented for SonarQube and are the same.

Any plans to do it on sonarcloud? Or any issue that can be followed?

Yes I’ve got another branch with all the parameters and a years old fork of the Jenkins plugin from when I originally tried to get it upstreamed there and it got rejected because of SONAR-11583 being planned instead :frowning: SONARJNKNS-292 Autopopulate PR values by timja · Pull Request #108 · SonarSource/sonar-scanner-jenkins · GitHub