java:S1874: Working as intended?


lately we ran into a strange issue with rule java:S1874 (“@Deprecated” code should not be used).

The method in use (in our case: is deprecated in Java 21, but not in Java 17. The variable is (correctly) set to “17”, since it is a Java 17 project.

If I run the maven scanner by maven (mvn sonar:sonar) on a Java 17 machine, everything is fine in SonarQube. But if I run it on a Java 21 machine, the same SonarQube instance tells me to remove the deprecated rule, even when it is not deprecated in the projects specified java Version.

It seems, the list of deprecated methods in use is based on the java version the sonar scanner is running on, but not on the specified project version.

Is there a way to change this behavior? Am I missing some configuration details?


Can you share what version of SonarQube you’re using?


Hi Ann,

we are using SonarQube version 10.8


Thanks for that detail. I’ve flagged this for the language experts.
