java:S3242 suggesting more general interface for Identity classes

In my project we have a class for every Identity which implements a common interface. Whenever we try to use a specific Identity class, java:S3242 complains that we could be accepting a LongIdentity instead. This is clearly wrong, as we don’t want anyone passing in any random id, that would defeat the purpose of having these wrapper classes. For these, it makes most sense to always accept the most specific Identity type you can get away with, not the most generic.

public interface LongIdentity {
  Long value();

public record UserId(String value) implements LongIdentity

public UserId getUser(UserId userId) {
  return crudRepo.findById(userId.value());

SonarQube is good at telling if you could use a more generic interface for a Collection, but it is not equipped to tell if our code really needs a UserId or not. I’d like to avoid annotating thousands of methods to suppress this warning, and I’d like to keep the warning enabled in general.
Is there some way we can globally tell SonarQube not to report this issue for anything implementing our base interface?

Hello there, sorry for the late reply.

Currently there is no rule parameter for this one to filter out some specific type. If this is way too noisy in your project I would suggest disabling the rule as it’s not part of the default SonarWay profile.