java:S1228 is not detected on PR, but on master

Using Sonarqube 10.3

We often have problems that Pull request sonar analysis is green, but after merge master has new sonar issues.
Here is one expample rule that seems to be not detect on PR analysis:
java:S1228 Packages should have a javadoc file ‘’

Maven sonar plugin output extract:

**10:07:06** [**INFO**] Sensor JavaSensor [java] 
**10:07:06** [**INFO**] Configured Java source version ( 17, preview features enabled ( false 
**10:07:06** [**INFO**] The Java analyzer is running in a context where unchanged files can be skipped. Full analysis is performed for changed files, optimized analysis for unchanged files. 
**10:07:07** [**INFO**] Server-side caching is enabled. The Java analyzer was able to leverage cached data from previous analyses for 810 out of 1064 files. These files will not be parsed. 
**10:07:07** [**INFO**] Using ECJ batch to parse 254 Main java source files with batch size 417 KB. 
**10:07:08** [**INFO**] Starting batch processing. 
**10:07:12** [**INFO**] 100% analyzed 
**10:07:12** [**INFO**] Batch processing: Done.

Hey there.

This is a special kind of issue (a folder-level issue) that isn’t reported on changed lines of changed files, so it doesn’t appear in PR analysis results.

We’d love to fix this: I’d encourage you to vote for this roadmap item:

Thanks I made a suggestion. This is really a blocker as we get all the time new issues introduced to master.