Language: Java
Rule: S1118 (Utility classes should not have public constructors)
False positive because: for classes defined inside methods there is no difference between ‘private’ and ‘public’ (that is just the way Java works). So overriding the default public constructor by a private one doesn’t change anything.
I am using SonarLint in IntelliJ, version connected to our SonarQube for rule selection.
Example code:
public class Foo {
public void someMethod() {
final class Local { // S1118: Add a private constructor
//private Local() {} // this will fix the warning but won't change anything else
static final int SOME_CONST = 1234;
new Local(); // not possible to prevent this in Java, even with a private constructor
This false positive requires to either suppress the warning or add a useless empty private constructor each time a utility class is added inside a method.