java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException when using Podman on "rootless" mode

I’m trying to migrate to rootless mode in Podman (ie running Sonarqube’s container with a non-root user) but I’m getting the following error while starting it for the second time (it works well on the first time):

java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /opt/sonarqube/data/web/deploy/plugins/python/sonar-python-plugin-

I’m running with the following command:

podman run --user=1000 -p 9000:9000 \
-v sonarqube_data:/opt/sonarqube/data \
-v sonarqube_extensions:/opt/sonarqube/extensions \
-v sonarqube_logs:/opt/sonarqube/logs

The podman top -l huser returns HUSER (Host User) as 100999 and the jar file has the right owner:

$ sudo ls -la volumes/sonarqube_data/_data/web/deploy/plugins/python
total 7888
drwxrwxrwx.  2 100999 100999      50 Dec  8 14:40 .
drwxrwxrwx. 19 100999 100999    4096 Dec  8 14:40 ..
-rwxrwxrwx.  1 100999 100999 8069140 Nov 10 05:25 sonar-python-plugin-

Changing permissions to 777 doesn’t solve the issue but it works after deleting the plugins directory.

Does anybody had a problem with this?



Hi Rodrigo,

thanks for posting in our community!

I’m trying to migrate to rootless mode in Podman (ie running Sonarqube’s container with a non-root user)

Unfortunately, we don’t support Podman yet and, at the moment, we cannot really provide a timeline for this. However, we want to remind you that our latest SonarQube containers run without a root user. Do you have specific needs for preferring Podman over Docker as container runtime? It would be very valuable for us to know more about your use case :slight_smile:

I’m getting the following error while starting it for the second time (it works well on the first time):

You are right, we were able to reproduce this issue: with Podman, we faced the same error when running the container the second time and reusing the volumes. However, a few interesting points for you:

  • when using Docker as the container runtime, the issue does not occur. You would not face any file-permission-related errors.
  • if you strictly need to use Podman, the issue does not occur when using the latest SonarQube image (i.e., sonarqube:10-community)

Can you try one of those solutions? Do they work for you?


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