Java analysis detects cryptography-related issues and suspicious hard-coded credentials

Hello Java developers,

The Java analyzer was updated to detect more cryptography-related issues. Here are the rules that help in that field.

Vulnerability Detection:

  • S5542: Encryption algorithms should be used with secure mode and padding scheme (Blocker)
  • S4426: Cryptographic keys should be robust (Blocker)
  • S5547: Cipher algorithms should be robust (Critical)
  • S4830: Server certificates should be verified during SSL⁄TLS connections (Critical)
  • S5527: Server hostnames should be verified during SSL⁄TLS connections (Critical)
  • S4423: Weak SSL and TLS protocols should not be used (Major)

Security Hotspot Detection:

  • S3330: Creating cookies without the “HttpOnly” flag is security-sensitive
  • S2092: Creating cookies without the “secure” flag is security-sensitive

A special effort has been done to fine-tune the rule S2068, which detects hard-coded credentials. The idea is to not raise issues on pieces of code that are obviously not at risk, so you can spend your time reviewing truly security-sensitive pieces of code. For example, S2068 will no longer raise issues on:

  • empty Strings: String password = ""
  • Strings that look like key declarations:
    private static final String PASSWORD_INPUT = "[id='password']";
  • database connection strings: String query = "password=?"

For more information, you can check the changelog.

These features are already available on SonarCloud, and will be included in SonarQube 8.2.
