I have a java multi module project managed through maven.
Here is the structure:
|___src/test/java additional tests on classes of Module1
|___pom.xml with dependencies on Module1 and Module2 and Module3
Module1 has source code and unit tests on Module1
Module2 has source code unit test on Module2
Module3 has only tests for classes in Module1. Indeed it only has the folder src/test/java/…
Thanks to the jacoco-maven-plugin on each module and the report-aggregate maven goal in the coverage project, I managed to obtain the code coverage of Module1 and Module2.
However, the coverage of Module3 is 0% since the classes that are being tested are not inside Module3. Indeed the classes under tests are inside Module1.
Is there a way to get the code coverage of Module3 against Module 1 ?
Looking forward to receiving any help