It looks like it is not your Main Branch, check your configuration

  • ALM used: Github Enterprise (With private repo)
  • CI system used: Github Actions

Error: "master" branch has not been analyzed yet and you have multiple branches already. It looks like it is not your Main Branch, check your configuration.

I don’t know where the configuration is to check regarding this error.
Master branch is showing as “MAIN BRANCH” - but error says it’s not.
Analysis failed saying due to lines of code limit reached, but organization settings show we have scanned 0 lines (only have 1 project)


Can you provide your organization and project ids?

Also the analysis error in the 3rd screenshot (thanks for providing that!) is unrelated. It just means that more code was included in the most recent analysis than you’re licensed for.


Hi Ann,

Organization is: Carepatron
Project Id is: Carepatron_Carepatron-App



Thanks for those details. I’ve flagged this for the team.


Any updates on this? Our trial time is running out and we would like to have enough time to experiment with the software before deciding to continue with a paid subscription.


No specific updates. Someone should be along soon.


Hi Richard,

Welcome to community and thank you for report!

It looks like the number of lines of code in your project exceeds the limit of your subscription plan (100K, based on your screenshot). As a result, no analyses were successfully completed for long-living branches, which is why you see 0 lines of code used. You can find more details about pricing here.

For the warning message shown in the UI, it is very likely shown because you already analysed some pull requests, let me know if that’s the case. Btw, the fact that we show this message if some pull requests were analysed seems like a bug to me. I’ll follow up on the reasoning here.

In the meantime, if you’re able to increase the line-of-code limit to match your project’s size, you should see the main branch information as expected.

Let me know if you have questions.


Thanks Stanislav, increasing the lines of code in the plan solved the main branch issue.
However I now have another question, I can’t seem to change this back to a lower lines of code threshold, this is probably because our repo is larger than the low threshold I am trying to target.
If we decide not to proceed with paid subscription before the trial runs out, what is the process for cancelling, or updating the lines of code to a lower limit so we don’t get billed a high amount? Would I have to delete the Project first? Thanks


You would need to edit your analysis parameters to include less code, run the analysis to reduce your LoC, and then I believe you should be able to reduce your subscription.
