Issues still active on excluded files


We have a C# project analyzed in SonarCloud, the first analyse included the UnitTests project, which had some issues.
We decided to exclude this project from the analysis, so we changed the sonar.exclusions setting in our YAML pipeline like below:

  - task: SonarCloudPrepare@1
    displayName: Prepare analysis
    continueOnError: true
    condition: succeeded()
      SonarCloud: 'SonarCloud'
      organization: 'Our_Organization'
      scannerMode: 'MSBuild'
      projectKey: '$(Build.Repository.Name)'
      extraProperties: |
        # Additional properties that will be passed to the scanner, 
        # Put one key=value per line, example:
        # sonar.exclusions=**/*.bin

After a new analysis, the project.UnitTests does not show any more any number of lines of code, coverage or duplication. But issues are still there.

Shouldn’t the project fully disappear in the code view, and issues also being removed ?
Anything we are doing wrongly ?
Any way to get rid of them besides deleting the project and doing a complete new analysis (and losing the history) ?

thanks for your help

Hi @Jerms

Welcome to our community!

In order to exclude the test code, you can use the sonar.test.exclusions parameter. You can find more details here: Analysis scope & SonarCloud

Thanks for your reply, sorry for the late answer, i’ll try it out and let you know.

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