Issues not found during local analysis but they are on the cloud

Please provide

  • Operating system:Windows 11 Enterprise
  • Visual Studio version:Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 (64-bit) - Current
    Version 17.12.3
  • SonarQube for Visual Studio plugin version:
  • Programming language you’re coding in: c#
  • Is connected mode used: Yes
    • SonarQube Cloud, SonarQube Server, or SonarQube Community Build? (if one of the latter two, which version?): SonarQube Cloud

And a thorough description of the problem / question:
My code is showing issues when analysed on Sonar Qube in the cloud but when I installed Sonar Qube for Visual Studio and I connected to the Cloud Project I don’t get any issues during local analysis.

I can include a verbose log output if needed but it’s quite a long log.


Welcome to the community!

You don’t get any issues? At all?

Can you share your logs?


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Hi Ann,

Attached please find the logs. And Screen shots of the empty issues list.

SonarLogs.txt (183.9 KB)

Hi Ann,

I am seeing some Sonar issues highlighted in the code of the IDE. And I also see the issues in the “Errors List” tab. So that was a misunderstanding by me.

However I’m seeing s6444 logged as an issue on SonarCloud but I don’t see it locally.



Hi Eoin,

Thanks for the logs. I’ve flagged this for the experts.
