Issues corresponding to analysisId

Is there a way to find issues list corresponding to a given analysisId? I am trying to see difference between two analysis. I went through API documentation but didn’t find any?

The only thing I found is to get “quality gate” status but it doesn’t provide details on exact issues.

I am using Community EditionVersion 8.1 (build 31237)

Welcome :slight_smile:

does it makes sense to diff two analyses ? Sonarqube 5.x had a basic feature for that,
but it had no practical value.

IMO only to indentify trends and that is already provided by the metrics part of the
Sonarqube project dashboard.
That said, you might feed your webservice / database via Sonarqube webhook for every analysis.
Webhooks may also be extended with additional properties,

If interested in specific issues, use /api/issues


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does it makes sense to diff two analyses?
Yes, there can be multiple cases:

  • Due to some plugin or other issue, clean report got generated, it will clean the whole data on server
  • One enabled some additional rules on server and found them to be very noisy (false positives). So, suddenly there is spike in vulnerabilities & quality gate failed ultimately lead to build failure
  • During development, dev can confirm whether issue is fixed or not. If this report is posted to server, main data will be corrupted