Issue java 14: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/jar/Pack200

SONARJAVA-3270 seems to be fixed, but I still get errors when e.g. using records (see here):

[ERROR] Unable to parse source file : 'src/main/java/com/github/beatngu13/knapsackproblem/so/ga/'
[ERROR] Parse error at line 9 column 7: Syntax error on token "record", @ expected

I assume this is because a new version of the SonarScanner (for Maven) hasn’t been released yet?

Saw the announcement that analysis of Java 14 code is now supported:

Verified in my project - it works, thanks.

GA release of JDK 15 is planned for 2020-09-15, maybe Sonar team could plan for adding support for it shortly after?

You said you verified it, did you check the logs? Because I still get the aforementioned errors (recent build here). I also wonder how this is supposed to work technically—at least for Maven users—since there is no new plugin version (v3.7.0.1746 by the time writing this, see Maven Central). Or am I missing something?

It’s not dependent on the SonarScanner. The new analyzer was deployed in SonarCloud and will be available in SonarQube 8.5.

Thank you for clarification!

Sincere question: If it is not dependent on the Scanner, how should I analyze the project using SonarCloud, given a Maven-based Java 14 project?

The corresponding documentation I found on (sorry if I overlooked something) suggests mvn sonar:sonar, but this is what gives me parse errors locally.

If you’re using SonarCloud, you should already be using SonarJava 6.6 (you can confirm by checking the scanner logs with debug enabled) and it should support Java 14.
If you still have errors, I suggest you create a separate post about it using the tags ‘sonarcloud’ and ‘java’.