Is there any way to retrieve sonarcloud token ,


I have used sonarcloud token after it got generated after the configuraiton for the below project., but now I have need of use that sonarlcoud token , is there any to retrieve it?

Hi @sk8228402,

Once the token is generated, there is no way to recover it.
You can, however, generate a new one.

Hi Bachri,

So do I need to create project again and connect from sonar cloud,?


No need to re-create the project. Just create a new token. Look under your user avatar, at the top-right.


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@ganncamp so we can use one sonar token for one project and to work on another repos in another project I need to create another sonar token , am i correct?


There are three types of token, among them project-specific tokens, and global analysis tokens. The docs should help.


@ganncamp I am not sure token I have used belongs to which catagiry from the list you have given.

however when i import project it generates one sonar cloud token , I have generated that again and used it for different in pipeline in same project. and it worked

hope that makes sense? Please confirm


SonarCloud… Sorry, I forgot the context. SonarCloud only has one type of token. :woman_facepalming:

Yes, that makes sense. SonarCloud tokens carry all the privileges of their issuing users, so with that token your pipelines will be able to analyze anything that you can analyze manually.
