There is junit xml support: GitHub - boxed/mutmut: Mutation testing system
Will sonar cloud be able to read the junit xml report it generates?
There is junit xml support: GitHub - boxed/mutmut: Mutation testing system
Will sonar cloud be able to read the junit xml report it generates?
Hey there.
What are your expectations of SonarCloud reading the report? That the test results count towards your total unit tests, that coverage from these tests count towards your code coverage…
Good question I’m actually not sure how mutation testing like mutmut is integrated into sonar. Do you have customers doing that or know of best practices?
Here is a link to a github issue where I’m asking the same thing, but to the mutmut folks: Is mutmut designed to work alongside regular code coverage and static analysis sort of platforms or will I have to generate separate reports and use a whole different system with it? Can I generate a properly formatted test report for tools like sonarqube (Cobertura XML)? · Issue #270 · boxed/mutmut · GitHub
Perhaps I just need to understand better where mutmut fits in. My expectation is I can integrate it into sonar (cloud no custom plugins for me ) in some way and avoid having a separate system for it or having to throw out sonar in favor of something that supports mutmut- at least for my python stuff.
Hey there.
Generally, mutation testing comes up in the context of this community-supported plugin by @Gerald_Mucke (GitHub - devcon5io/mutation-analysis-plugin: Plugin for SonarQube to process mutation analysis results.) who I believe is pretty passionate about mutation testing. Maybe he’ll join the conversation!
Hi There,
thanks for the heads up.
The sonar mutation testing plugin is only processing the output generated by pitest, so the answer for the moment is unfortunately ‘no, it does not work with mutmut’.
But it doesn’t have to stay this way: if mutmut produces a report of some sort containing information about the mutations killed in what file and position, it could be extended to processes these reports as well.