iOS project code coverage is 0.0%

I’ve a problem with test coverage statistics.

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)

Slather 2.4.7
Lizard 1.17.3
SonarQube Scanner
Java 11.0.3 AdoptOpenJDK (64-bit)
Mac OS X 10.14.5 x86_64

  • what are you trying to achieve

I’m trying to generate test coverage and display this information on my SonarQube dashboard

  • what have you tried so far to achieve this

No matter how I will generate reports:

I’m getting reports generated, sonar ends with success, but Sonar dashboards always shows: 0% Coverage

SonarQube logs:

Executed 947 tests, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 34.964 (36.264) seconds
build 20-Feb-2020 15:39:50 15:39:50.499 INFO: Quality profile for swift: Sonar way
build 20-Feb-2020 15:39:53 15:39:53.390 DEBUG: ‘Generic Coverage Report’ skipped because one of the required properties is missing
build 20-Feb-2020 15:39:53 15:39:53.391 DEBUG: ‘Generic Test Executions Report’ skipped because one of the required properties is missing
build 20-Feb-2020 15:39:53 15:39:53.391 DEBUG: ‘Import external issues report’ skipped because one of the required properties is missing
build 20-Feb-2020 15:39:53 15:39:53.400 DEBUG: ‘CoberturaSensor’ skipped because there is no related file in current project


coverage.xml file starts with:
<coverage line-rate="0.3030027109242045" branch-rate="1.0000000000000000" lines-covered="1462" lines-valid="4832" branches-covered="0" branches-valid="0" complexity="0.0" timestamp="1582182171" version="Slather 2.4.7">

Thanks a lot.

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