IntelliJ New Code analysis

Please provide

  • Operating system: Windows 11
  • SonarLint plugin version: 10.4.2
  • Programming language you’re coding in: java
  • Is connected mode used: true
    • Connected to SonarCloud or SonarQube (and which version): Sonarqube 10.1

And a thorough description of the problem / question:


I am confused about the button “set focus on New Code” in IntelliJ

My screenshot is about a “feature/" branch. In Sonarqube on project level under “New Code”, the reference branch for this "feature/” branch is set to develop.

Why does the commit hash appear in IntelliJ instead of develop? The develop branch is set as new code.

If I follow the following documentation correctly, a reference to a branch should also work, right?


Hi @markluebbehuesen, thank you for your report!

Unfortunately, we do not support Reference Branch for New Code Definition in SonarLint.

However, in your screenshot, we can see that it refers to since version, which is strange because if the New Code Definition was set to Reference Branch on SonarQube, then you would see (unsupported new code definition).

Could you please try to run the following URL and share with us the result?


The project key can be found on the Project information page of your SonarQube project