Import/Export from A instance to B instance

Make sure to tell us:

  • What version are you upgrading from?

    • Community Edition
    • Version 10.1 (build 73491)
  • System information (Operating system, Java version, Database provider/version)

    • Enterprise Edition
    • Version 9.9.2 (build 77730)
  • What’s the issue you’re facing?

I would like to ask a few questions about import/export in SonarQube:

  • Is it possible to export from a newer sonarqube version and import into an sonarqube older version, and vice versa?
  • If the Community edition uses PostgresSQL 13 and the Enterprise edition uses PostgresSQL 10, will there be any import issues?
  • If the Community edition uses PostgresSQL 13 and the Enterprise edition uses PostgresSQL 15, will there be any import issues?
  • If the Community edition uses PostgresSQL 13 and the Enterprise edition uses MSSQL, will there be any import issues?


Welcome to the community!

No. The source and target instances need to have parity, including plugins.

Commuity Edition doesn’t include the export feature IIRC. That said, import/export is agnostic of database details.


Thanks for the reply. I have the following questions:

No. The source and target instances need to have parity, including plugins.

If I upgrade to the same version and use the same plugin, is it possible?

Commuity Edition doesn’t include the export feature IIRC. That said, import/export is agnostic of database details.

The reason I asked for the details is because of the information provided in the official documentation. In this scenario, Are the database details still agnostic to import/export?

Your source instance can be Community Edition or above, but cannot have plugins or languages that are not in the target instance.



Looks like I’m wrong. Sorry about that.

Yes. Still.
