Import explanation or description of issues that are imported via external reporter

Sonarqube version
We are using Sonarqube CE 8.9

What are we trying to achieve
We are trying to export external linter rules into sonarqube for golang via golangcilint.

What issue are we facing?
When the external rules are shown on sonarqube they don’t show any explanation.

What are we looking for?
Ability to import explanation of these external rules so that developers can easily understand what the issue is really is. Else they have to switch context and refer to golangcilint resources


To get these rule descriptions into SonarQube, you’ll need to create a custom plugin that provides the rule definitions. There are a number of plugins in the Marketplace that do this for external tools. This might be a straightforward model to follow: GitHub - sbaudoin/sonar-ansible: SonarQube plugin to analyze Ansible playbooks
