I was trying to run the GitHubActions for SonarCloud to build my project but not able to get the solution how to add build commands. Need help on this

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • SonarCloud community edition
  • Build application to capture the C# issues
  • Created the Build.yml file and tried with GitHub actions

Hello and welcome to the community forum!

Here is some documentation about how to setup the Github Action.
Here is the actual Github Action you should use, also with some explanation on how to setup.

Also note that the Github Action can’t be used in all situation currently, you should not use it in the following situations:

  • Your code is built with Maven: run ‘org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar’ during the build
  • Your code is built with Gradle: use the SonarQube plugin for Gradle during the build
  • You want to analyze a .NET solution: use the SonarCloud Azure DevOps Extension to analyze your code on SonarCloud with Azure Pipelines
  • You want to analyze C/C++ code: rely on our Travis-CI extension and look at our sample C/C++ project