How to upgrade plugin using sonarscanner

Hi, we use the CircleCI scanner orb with the scan command for analyzing our monorepo with different languages.

I saw that the Java analyzer was recently updated to 6.3 with performance improvements, but I am having trouble identifying the documentation to upgrade the java plugin. Every time we run scan, it always pulls in 6.2 and not the latest 6.3 even when we bust our cache.


Hello @ethanrubio,

We update the plugins on SonarCloud side, so there is nothing you can do to manually upgrade plugins.
We will release the Java 6.3 Analyzer very soon, I’ll notify you when it is done.


Hello @ethanrubio,

The Java 6.3 analyzer has been released on SonarCloud.


Thanks! We’ve noticed that it cut our analysis times like by around two thirds. Really great!

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