Hey guys, we have been starting with SonarQube Community and running on a project developed in .Net Framework with C# and we have seen some great results so far.
In the past, I have worked in a project where the SonarQube (version 4) was configured to apply some Resharper and it was able to look at some good pratices related with nomenclature patterns. It means, a public method should be in CamelCase, a class name should be in CamelCase, a private attribute should be with lowerCamelCase and etc. I have seen on the documentation that Resharper was deprected but I am not sure if I can use it with the last versions of the SonarQube.
Is there any way (or extension) I can use to make SonarQube check the nomenclature patterns in C# and Javascript?
Thank you,
I am using:
- SonarQube 7.5 Community Edition
- SonarC# Plugin
- Scanner for MSBuild