How to ignore or skip sonarqube analysis scan file of js

Hi All,

I want to skip or ignore js file during sonar analysis scan reports generate.

Here is the screenshot of analysis report generate

This is the sonar-project-properties file that im using in jenkins job

Please help how can i skip the js file scanning done

Where im wrong and i dont know how to add in sonar.exclusions=/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Sonar/Fxt/Web/src/main/ui/

Note : My scan code path this one
Reports are generating from above path.

Hey there.

Take a peek at the Narrowing the Focus documentation. You are probably interested in an exclusion like


Out of curiosity, why do you want to exclude all Javascript files?

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i dont want to exclude javascript .

i just to remove or skip or ignore javascript files from begin scanning in sonar analysis .

Please i try everything but javascript file still showing in sonar analysis.

and – this one also im not able to understand about exclusion how to add in it.

Thanks Colin

It help me to solve that problem

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