SonarQube * Developer Edition * Version 7.2 (build 13530)
SonarQube shows me a dialog when I click on Code Coverage glyphs
I’m curious how I can feed information into SonarQube to help it know what tests are covering these lines of code, as it currently doesn’t seem to have that information. We are using dotCover for coverage. Our build process (combining some stages together) follows the logic below to give the coverage to SonarQube:
dotnet c:\BuildAgent\tools\sonar-scanner\SonarScanner.MSBuild.dll begin /k:"REDACTED_NAME" /"http://REDACTED_SERVER:9000" /d:sonar.login="REDACTED_LOGIN_KEY" /"" /d:sonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths="REDACTED_NAME.html"
dotnet build REDACTED_NAME.sln --configuration REDACTED_CONFIG
%teamcity.tool.dotCover%\dotCover.exe report /Source=dotCover.dcvr /Output=REDACTED_NAME.html /ReportType=HTML
dotnet c:\BuildAgent\tools\sonar-scanner\SonarScanner.MSBuild.dll end /d:sonar.login="REDACTED_LOGIN_KEY"