How to get Code Coverage against New Code Metric from a particular Instance in activity or else?

How to get Code Coverage against New Code Metrics from a particular Instance in activity or else?

→ Our build system generates a new version for every build on every commit, hence sonar shows the New code from the last commit.

we want to have the ability to get this code coverage and other metrics against the new code by choosing any of the last versions, between that and the latest

we looked at the project settings and cannot move to branch-based or time period based.
we want the current version based.

additionally, we looked into the activity tab of the project but couldn’t find anything there.

is there a way via API or other features in sonar that can help us get the ability to check new code between two versions and hence other metrics against it on the branch? please help. thanks.


All metrics are calculated during analysis based on current state at the time of the analysis. Thus, ‘on New Code’ values are only going to be available for an ad-hoc new code period selection.
