How to create SonarQube account using Web API and ExternalProvider=gitlab

Must-share information (formatted with Markdown):

  • which versions are you using (SonarQube, Scanner, Plugin, and any relevant extension)
    • SonarQube Community Edition 8.9.6 build 50800
  • what are you trying to achieve
    • trying to create SonarQube account using Web API
    • GitLab, using as OAuth v2 provider. so SonarQube can using GitLab as OAuth v2 provider
    • That SonarQube account must associate by GitLab account
  • what have you tried so far to achieve this
  1. I tried below bash script to create account
        curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/create" \
         -F login=$gitlab_username \
         -F name=$gitlab_name \
         -F email=$ \
         -F local=false
  1. and I tried to as below to update
        curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/update" \
         -F login=$members_username \
         -F name=$members_name \
         -F email=$
  1. and update identity provider to gitlab
        curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/update_identity_provider" \
         -F login=$members_username \
         -F newExternalIdentity=$members_username \
         -F newExternalProvider=gitlab

so, the account has been shown on SonarQube > Administration > Users. please see below screenshot.
the account was created by upper bash script. so purple color painted icon is indicated the GitLab account.

However, using the kdh7565@ gitlab account to login SonarQube, not worked just error popup.

“You’re not authorized to access this page. Please contact the administrator. Reason: Failed to authenticate with login ‘kdh7565’”

Otherside, I can login using GitLab account which created by manually just click UI NOT API.

And, I cannot gathering any information on log files about kdh7565@ login.
(web.log, es.log, ce.log, access.log)


If creating accounts via the UI is working, then that’s the way to go forward.

The best way to master the API is to perform the desired action via the UI and eavesdrop to see which calls the UI made to accomplish the action.


I want to create account using API not UI, because of I want to create account automatically some account which in GitLab’s specific project.

again, How to create SonarQube account using Web API which ExternalProvider=gitlab ?

Again, the best way to learn how to use the API is to perform the action in the UI and eavesdrop to see what calls it makes.


Hello @ganncamp, Thanks response.
I found some point of the issue.

I was tested with two account newly.

  1. kiyiul@
  2. tfsadsync@

The two account was already created so, I deactivated the two account. and I log in with kiyiul@gitlab account using Web UI successfully.

Then, run below script that using API.


curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/create" \
     -F login=$members_username \
	 -F name=$members_name \
	 -F email=$ \
	 -F local=false

curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/update" \
     -F login=$members_username \
	 -F name=$members_name \
	 -F email=$

curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/update_identity_provider" \
     -F login=$members_username \
	 -F newExternalIdentity=$members_username \
	 -F newExternalProvider=gitlab

the third API with newExternalProvider response poped up below error.

{"errors":[{"msg":"An error has occurred. Please contact your administrator"}]}

It is NOT able to log in with tfsadsync@gitlab account.

So I run below script to view account status.

curl -s -X GET -u "$sonarce_token": "$sonarce_url""/api/users/search?p=1&ps=500" | jq

The reponse of tfsadsync@ is below,

      "login": "tfsadsync",
      "name": "TFSADSync",
      "active": true,
      "email": "",
      "groups": [
      "tokensCount": 0,
      "local": false,
      "externalIdentity": "tfsadsync",
      "externalProvider": "sonarqube",
      "avatar": "15729c649de2e02045e3e07990d55952"

Although runing API script using newExternalProvider parameter, externalProvider of tfsadsyc value is NOT update.

According to deactivate tfsadmin@ and log in using UI is successfully, it seems to update externalProvider feature is working properly but API is NOT working properly.

How can I to solve it?

Additionally, when I run API bash script about update_identity_provider, web.log is below.

2022.03.24 21:16:26 ERROR web[AX7SikYCijSwnuouAKOV][o.s.s.w.WebServiceEngine] Fail to process request
### Error updating database.  Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 오류: 중복된 키 값이 "uniq_external_login" 고유 제약 조건을 위반함
  Detail: (external_identity_provider, external_login)=(gitlab, tfsadsync) 키가 이미 있습니다.
### The error may exist in org.sonar.db.user.UserMapper
### The error may involve org.sonar.db.user.UserMapper.update-Inline
### The error occurred while setting parameters
### SQL: update users set         login = ?,         name = ?,         email = ?,         active = ?,         scm_accounts = ?,         external_id = ?,         external_login = ?,         external_identity_provider = ?,         user_local = ?,         onboarded = ?,         reset_password = ?,         salt = ?,         crypted_password = ?,         hash_method = ?,         homepage_type = ?,         homepage_parameter = ?,         last_connection_date = ?,         last_sonarlint_connection = ?,         updated_at = ?         where         uuid = ?
### Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: 오류: 중복된 키 값이 "uniq_external_login" 고유 제약 조건을 위반함
  Detail: (external_identity_provider, external_login)=(gitlab, tfsadsync) 키가 이미 있습니다.
        at org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.ExceptionFactory.wrapException(

“오류: 중복된 키 값이 “uniq_external_login” 고유 제약 조건을 위반함” mean is,
“error: Duplicate key value violate “uniq_external_login” unique constraint”

“키가 이미 있습니다.” mean is,
“The key already exists.”

Hello @ganncamp
Can I know how to delete account clearly in database? Due to exist user information, it seems the update_identity_provider API can not apply.


For referential integrity reasons, deleting a user from the DB isn’t supported.


Hello, @ganncamp so,
As you know that I want what to do, how can I resolve this issue?

  • I want to apply update externalProvider using API.
  • but due to existing information about user, the API can not applied.

I solved that issue by delete database information and matching GitLab user ID, newExternalIdentity.

  1. delete user information in database.
delete  from users where external_login = 'user login id' ;
  1. Delete elasticsearch index
  2. SonarQube service restart
  3. create user and update externalIdentity
	curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/create" \
    -F login=$gitlab_username \
	-F name=$gitlab_name \
	-F local=false
    curl -s -X POST -u "$sonarce_token:" "$sonarce_url/api/users/update_identity_provider" \
    -F login=$members_username \
	-F newExternalIdentity=$gitlab_userID \
	-F newExternalProvider=gitlab

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