How to config .sonarlint floder location

  • Operating system:Windows 11
  • IDE name and flavor/env: IDEA

C disk’s space is running low.I would like to know how to set the location of the .sonarlint folder,
Can the folder location be configured using environment variables? or some other way?

emm,I didn’t see any information about this in the official documentation.

Hello @muii,

At the moment, there is no way to configure the location of the .sonarlint folder.

That said, it’s not expected that SonarLint creates so many folders here. As a consequence, we made a fix to periodically clean them up, which should already be available if you update to the latest version.

Could you give it a try and report here if you still face the issue?

It’s effective now


Thank you for the confirmation @muii!

We are still actively working on this, and you should expect more improvements in the coming weeks. Our goal is to reduce the disk space used by SonarQube for IDE.

Also, if you enjoy using SonarQube for IDE, do not hesitate to leave a review on our marketplace page—it’s always appreciated!

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Hi @muii !

I come back with good news for the new year :slight_smile: In v4.14 of the extension, we’ve released a change to prevent the creation of too many temp folders. The change mostly affects users who analyze JS/TS/CSS code. Please upgrade, and restart your VS Code window. You can either manually delete the old .sonarlinttmp_* folders, or just wait and observe for a couple of days to see if the folder size goes down.

If you’re observing this issue while analyzing other programming languages let us know. Thanks a lot again for bringing this to our attention! :gift:

All the best,