How to choose deployment over statefulset?

  • What version are you upgrading from?
    We are running old versions of Sonar Enterprise in a docker and wants to upgrade to the latest using kubernetes(EKS).

  • System information (Operating system, Java version, Database provider/version)
    Current details are not relevant because I am trying to standup a brand new one and use it as fresh.

  • What’s the issue you’re facing?
    I am having difficulties to choose whether I would go with deployment type in the helm chart or the statefulset? There is no documentation about the “Deployment” type supported in the chat. I am trying to avoid statefulset because it requires PV/PVC’s and the chances to get the disk corrupted…etc

So an official advice or a documentation about what are the pros and cons of deployment over statefulset would be really helpful.


Anyone from sonar team? Please help. Thanks

Hi @manojtr.

Welcome to our community.

Sorry for the delayed response.

Using StatefulSet or Deployment is a matter of personal preference.

As indicated in our documentation, we don’t use persistence by default, so neither will require you to set PV/PVCs.

Since you mentioned that you are using the Enterprise edition, you will use only one pod in either case, so it really makes no difference which one you choose. :slight_smile:

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