How to check try-with-resources for a static method call in custom plugin?

  • What language are you writing rules for? Java

  • What have you tried, and what’s your challenge / stumbling block

	  public List<Tree.Kind> nodesToVisit() {
		  return Arrays.asList(Tree.Kind.MEMBER_SELECT);

	  public void visitNode(Tree tree) {
		  MemberSelectExpressionTree mse = (MemberSelectExpressionTree) tree;
		    String name = mse.identifier().name();
		    if( && name.equals("mockStatic")) {
		    	System.out.println("name "+name);


How can I check if this member has a try-with-resources before when I use method mockStatic()?

This what I want to make sure the code looks like:

try (MockedStatic<StaticUtils> utilities = Mockito.mockStatic(StaticUtils.class)) {
        <More code here>

or this is also valid

try (MockedStatic<StaticUtils> utilities = mockStatic(StaticUtils.class)) {
        <More code here>



Hi Mikael,

I’d suggest to use visitTryStatement and going down it’s resourcesList instead of looking for a MemberSelectExpressionTree and going up it’s parents. That’s nearer at your use case and more performant (you will usually have less try-statements in the analyzed code than member expressions).

    public void visitTryStatement(TryStatementTree tree) {
        // or do something else with tree.resourceList()

Best regards,


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