How are "accepted" and "false positive" issues counted in quality gate conditions?

Hi all,

With SonarQube Enterprise v10 running in docker, I am trying to understand how issues that are marked as “false positive” or “accepted” are counted towards the “total issues” and “new issues” metrics in a quality gate. The ultimate goal is to understand how reviewing issues - and setting their state accordingly - plays together with the quality gate conditions.

Simply put: Will a new issue marked as “accepted” or as “false positive” make the Sonar Way quality gate (with the condition that new code has 0 issues) fail, or will it pass because it is not “open”?

Follow up question: If new issues in “accepted” or “false positive” state violates the “new code has 0 issues” condition, is there a way to implement a quality gate conditions that requires that “new code has 0 open issues”.

Homework: I was expecting an answer from e.g. Issues ( and metric definition (, but found no answer. However I found that the open_issues metric is deprecated (there is no new_open_issues), suggesting to me that I’m thinking about this the wrong way. What might be the right way? :slight_smile: